Wednesday, May 30, 2007

week 12 Social and Ethical issues

main points in lecture

  • Protecting yourself and your pc on the world-wide web.
  • There are problems because of open protocols, no enforceable standards, anyone can publish, no control on bias or unethical information, a lot of smart people and a lot of dumb people.
  • The problems are intellectual property, copyright, plagiarism, security, privacy and freedom of speech.


  • Notices on photocopiers and other copying equipment
  • Copying for research or study
  • Music: use in film and multimedia
  • Websites: creating and publishing on the internet
  • Maps and charts
  • Libraries: an introduction to copyright
  • Internet: copying & downloading material
  • Databases, compilations, tables and forms

I read about the case US vs. Sankas. it was about John Sankus who was a 28 year old from Philadelphia that was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison because he was involved with a group named DrinkOrDie which specialized in cracking software and distribute them over the internet. The group was targeted by 'Operation Buccaneer' which was a 15 month undercover investigation by the US Custom Service.

Week 11 Building knowledge

Main points on lecture

  • Definitions: Datum: A fact or proposition, Information: A collection of facts or data that relate to each other, Knowledge: The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned

  • Data Characteristics: factual, non-judgmental, non-inferential, transient, has no intrinsic “meaning” and has no intrinsic “value”.

  • Information Characteristics: Summative, relational, dimensional, permanent, has meaning and uncertain.

  • Knowledge characteristics: inferential, experiential, judgmental, subjective and very valuable.This is a screen capture of the data, information and knowledge triangle.

Understanding the relationship in between data, information, and knowledge can assist my university study because data exists with no meaning of itself while information is a collection of data that has meaning because of the relationships between data within the information and it becomes knowledge when the information is becoming useful. Data usually relates to the research phase in an assignment, while information is the building phase of the assignment where all the parts that you have collected are gathered together and begin to have a meaning. Knowledge becomes a main part of your assignment when you can predict or make a judgment based on the information that has been collected.

  • Banks. Collects various types of information from clients in order to secure their money and keep it safe; by having their details in certain depth as a restriction of taking money out.
  • Centrelink. This company collects information from their clients in order to make sure that they distribute the right amount of money for the right people.
    CIA. They round up information in order to protect US citizens and help out the US military.
  • Insurance companies. They collect information to find out about the fee that they charge whether it is suitable to their policy and prices or not.
  • Emailcash. They collect information as market surveys in order to find out whether some new products will sell on the Australian market or not.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

week 10 Online Libraries & Databases

    main points in lecture

  • Online libraries are useful because of their convenience, breadth, currency, electronic format and you can use it any time, anywhere.

  • There are many types of online libraries such as Online Text Repositories, Online Journals, Electronic books, Musical and Artworks.

  • With the positives about online libraries there are also negatives about them too such as you have to pay or you cant get the information your looking for.

  • Accurate referencing is vital.

  • Most sites have a statement of copyright. The responsibility for copyright permission rests with you.

  • Online databases are organised collection of information. This is similar to online libraries.

  • Types of online databases, people searches , E-mail Directories, Genealogy Resources, Maps & Atlases , Government Information & statistics, News & Media and Portals.

  • Advantages of Online Databases, Comprehensive, Current, Browsable, Searchable, 24/7 Access and Electronic Format.

  • Accessible 24/7
  • Easy to use and navigate. It has different search sections for internal students, researchers, academic staffs, alumni, and external students.
  • Division of sections on the type of materials and information we are looking for is really well maintained.
  • There are materials that are not available in the real library, such as podcasts.
  • Quick search for users that want to look for a bit of rough information of the material he or she is looking for
  • Fast response (internet speed)
  • There are also a lot of other kind of information available such as ECU news.
  • Advanced searches is available for users that want to have a deep information on a specific topic
  • Help with referencing is available (through the guide that is available in .pdf format)
  • If we have any troubles with it, there is a page 'ask the library' on where we can question our troubles and issues we are facing on the ECU online library.

week 9 Using search engines

eahMain points

  • There are two main categories that search tools fall into and they are search engines and directories.

  • A search engine is a web-based application

  • There are many types of search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Alltheweb and many more.

  • Search engines do contain many problems such as return of too many results, limited relevance or quality filtering of results to a search query, misuse of page scoring/ ranking system, including of current “broken” links in a list of results to a query, determining how deep to “tunnel” through lower ranked pages and building enormous indices that include erroneous, irrelevant and out-dated results to user.

  • Keyword Searching, this is any word on a web page.

  • Refining your search.

  • Relevancy Ranking

  • Meta Tags

This Quiz was fun.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Week 8 Evaluation and Authentication of Web Resources

Main points in lecture
  • Any one with internet access can create web content.
  • There is no control on what is published why its published and who publishes it.
  • The web became so unruly because it was created at the right time.
  • When searching information on the internet there are many factors to consider before taking it into account and using the information.
  • FYI: ARPANET Dec 1969, 4 host computers Dec 1971, 23host computers Oct 1980, approx 200 host computers dec 1984, 2000+ host computers.

When researching and or evaluating a web site there are a few things to consider; make sure you are in the right place; when in doubt, doubt; consider the source; know what’s happening; look at details and distinguish web pages from pages found on the web. In addition to these factors, there are six criteria that get used commonly for evaluating a web site and they are: Authority, Accuracy, Objectivity, Currency, Coverage and value. Authority: Who the author is and what their expertise is, Accuracy: is there a good reason that the information on the site is accurate and are the facts documented, Objectivity: what is the author’s point of view, what is the purpose of this site, Currency: has the site been kept up to date and when was it originally written, Coverage: does the site address the topic you are researching? Is the information basic and cursory or detailed and scholarly? Is the information substantial? And Value: was the page worth visiting? Offer anything informative, unique, or insightful? Is the site free of careless errors, Misspelled words, and poor grammer? this is the first site I am going to evaluate. I believe that this site is good for the information I need about the sixties. The page was worth visiting it has been set out nicely. This web site has been made out to be very accurate on its information about the sixties. The facts are documented. This site was designed by Peggy Whitley and Written by Susan Goodwin. This site has been updated since December 2006sg. I didn’t find much on the author so we don’t know much about her. The main point in this web site is just to give information on the culture of the sixties. This web site was designed for the web.