Wednesday, May 30, 2007

week 12 Social and Ethical issues

main points in lecture

  • Protecting yourself and your pc on the world-wide web.
  • There are problems because of open protocols, no enforceable standards, anyone can publish, no control on bias or unethical information, a lot of smart people and a lot of dumb people.
  • The problems are intellectual property, copyright, plagiarism, security, privacy and freedom of speech.


  • Notices on photocopiers and other copying equipment
  • Copying for research or study
  • Music: use in film and multimedia
  • Websites: creating and publishing on the internet
  • Maps and charts
  • Libraries: an introduction to copyright
  • Internet: copying & downloading material
  • Databases, compilations, tables and forms

I read about the case US vs. Sankas. it was about John Sankus who was a 28 year old from Philadelphia that was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison because he was involved with a group named DrinkOrDie which specialized in cracking software and distribute them over the internet. The group was targeted by 'Operation Buccaneer' which was a 15 month undercover investigation by the US Custom Service.

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