Sunday, April 8, 2007

Week 4

Main points in lecture

  • Applications, Protocols and Benefits of ICT (Information Communication Technology)
  • Todays communication is much different than twenty years ago because of ICT.
  • Communication can be between individuals, organisations, within a business and an external organisation.
  • Communication takes place within networks: chain network, Circle network, Wheel network and all channel network.
  • There are four types of communication Synchronous place dependent, Synchronous place Independent, Asynchronous place dependent and Asynchronous place Independent.
  • Synchronous means that all parties must be engaged in communication at the same time e.g phone call.
  • Asynchronous means that the parties are not communicating at the same time.
  • Place Dependent this is where all parties must be in the sme place e.g online games like counterstrike.
  • Place Independent this is where parties can be anywhere in cyberspace e.g MSN Messenger AIM
  • Examples of ICP use: Mobiles telephones, video and tele-conferencing, ipods, mp3, lap-tops, palm pilots, electronic mail(e-mail) and multi-media communications.
  • E-mail clients: microsoft outlook and outlook express, netscape email client, ,
  • Instant Message Clients: MSN Messenger, ICQ (I Seek You), AOL Instant Messenger and Trillian.
  • podcasts are a type of communication
  • Blogs are used to store information like a journal.


  • In my ECU E-mail I have to create a folder for each of my units. With this I have to put all my mail for the unit in this folder.
  • visit
  • Go to groups in google and search a topic to my intrest. I have to say what term I entered amd what group(s) did i found.
  • I must record my results in this blog.
  • I have to look through a podcast site such as I have to search a topic to my inetrest listen to one or two podcasts. I also have to vist this site
  • Explain in my blog what are the ptential benefits of podcasts for university students?

In todays world podcasts come in great use for university students this is because ipods and mp3s can hold them. most students have an ipod or mp3 and its easy to access and use to prepare for assignments.

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