Sunday, April 8, 2007

Week 5

Main points on lecture

  • Information Management
  • These days we manage our work through computer programs. The ways of organising our work: text, documents, images, Webpages, bookmarks, presentations, assignments, citations and references.
  • Issues with managing great quantities of files and folders make them easily obtained
  • It helps to use search programs such as google desktop or the one built into windows.
  • When naming files and folders make sure they are to the function and not the content.
  • To make searching for your files easier; it helps to learn common file extensions and what they do.
  • Resources today has changed from Atom (books,paper) to bit-based (internet, word documents)

Evidence completing tutorial

The Atom age is becoming a thing of the past though it hasn’t been cleared out for good. Almost all Atom materials are being converted into digital formats these materials include books, newspapers, reports and research. Atoms will always be here but most of the materials that can be converted will be converted. The pros and cons of a digital world against the atom world is this. Bit Based (digital world) pros: when working on an assignment it can be easily edited, sending information to other places takes only seconds, digital books will never go out of print they are always there, when making bulk mailing it saves money and paper and its practically free and assignments can be made easier with the function of copy and paste. There are also cons and they are when using Bit Based you need a computer and an internet connection most of the time. Information online isn’t always correct because anyone can post, copyright laws are broken, you must have some knowledge on digital media in order to use it. Atom pros: you can take the information anywhere you want, it can be free in some situations, in most cases the information will be fact, its reliable a can mostly found around a library. The cons can be easily damaged, its goes out of date much quicker, it’s slow to send anywhere, much harder to edit or change information, and depending on what you are wanting it can be costly.

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